Dyslexia News

Illinois: Recommendations to Strengthen Implementation of the Science of Reading The stakes for students in Illinois Illinois’s performance on state policies to...

Here is a recommended list of books that for children, parents, and educators. Check out the Book List! Ben and Emma's Big...

Check out the Illinois State Board of Education's (ISBE) DYSLEXIA TOOLKIT & DYSLEXIA GUIDE. The Written Word Center for Dyslexia and Learning are proud to...

WE RAISED $850 for the Dyslexia Action Group of Naperville (DAGN)! During Dyslexia Awareness Month in October 2023, we sold t-shirts and posters designed by...

Thank you to our local libraries for supporting Dyslexia Awareness Month! The Wheaton Public Library and Winfield Public Library are displaying books donated by...

"As an attendee of the Take Flight training and a recent college graduate beginning my first year of teaching, I believe that I...