12 Mar March Newsletter
MARCH NEWSLETTER: Do you want to make a real difference for students with dyslexia? – Become a Dyslexia Therapist at The Written Word – Register Today!
Why train at The Written Word?…
✅ The instructors are approved by Scottish Rite for Children (SRC) to train in Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia.
✅ The Written Word is an IMSLEC-accredited training center with ALTA-certified QIs (Qualified Instructors).
✅ ALTA certification opportunity is available.
✅ The training program reflects the International Dyslexia Association’s (IDA) Knowledge of Practice & Standards for Teachers of Reading.
✅ Professional Development Provider for Illinois Educators: Educators participating in The Written Word’s Dyslexia Therapy Training course will receive professional development (PD) hours through Everyone Reading Illinois.
✅ Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia is a recognized intervention in the Illinois State Board of Education’s published Dyslexia Toolkit.
✅ The Dyslexia Therapy Training course participants are eligible to receive graduate-level credit toward a Master of Education degree in Special Education or Reading through King’s College.
Click to READ & SHARE: https://zurl.co/gxNLx
Tara J. Chapman and Craig C. Chapman are the co-founders of The Written Word Center for Dyslexia and Learning, which is the only IMSLEC-accredited center in DuPage County, Illinois. Our main objective is to provide specialized remediation for dyslexia and other language-based learning differences. We are dedicated to educating and supporting students, parents, and teachers within the local communities.